Death is misunderstoold people can take it as a bad thing something to loath and a creation god mistakenly made
What most people do though is hate it and get emotional over it and not to cherrish it, I know that sounds wrong , who cherrishes death? Well I do for one..........if my vote counts!
Death is life life is well present all this sounds like bull but just wait a min, when someone dies what do you or what would you do? If someone is born what do u do or what would you do? A)Cry? B)Light up with a smile? C)Cherrish the moment? D) all the above? The answer is D all the above to both the death and being born questions. The expanation is simple really just look deep inside, would you really think about all the bad about someone dyeing or wouldn't you not remener the good times and the better place there in or going to be in? And before the person dies you would cherrish the moment am I right or am I right? So just take my insane logic and interpuret for yourselves! Death should not be a reason for you To morn it should be a reason to celebrate and find new doors that open, because everything happeneds for a reason! And before you finish reading this, I know some people right now are like what ev I really loved this person and now their gone.....befre you dump all that you have read right now just think, their not dead their still alive........and no I won't explain to you what I mean of that that's for you to find out on your own!
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