Friday, January 2, 2009


Sometimes your just stuck and theres no way out.......

Other times your running and you can't find the time to stop.........

And then there are those times were your stuck in the middle can't find a time to stop but you also are stuck and theres no way out..........TRAPPED........

a writter feels the same way when hes writting a new book, song, or poem, sometimes he doesnt write for days, hours, weeks, years, months at a time and when he does write its a MASTERPIECE or its a DISASTOR.....only time will tell

the best way i get out of a TRAP is to write, think, feel like no other.....dont just go home and think about your day but to go home and think about your future and your life write about your day like it was a story embelishing and creating new never know that kid that was sitting at home procrastinating his hmwrk might be able to do his hmwrk plus read a 300 page book and still have time to spend with the all lies in you...

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS WRITTERS BLOCK OR A THINKING STONE HAS BLOCKED MY TRAIN OF THOUGHT...OR I HAD A BRAIN was your fault for not training your brain to think under pressure and to make sure theres nothing in your way!


Girl Wonder said...

Wow food for thought, very inspiring, makes me wanna actually do something lol. i will think of this when i get stuck,if thats even possible.
Thanx 4 the hope Rickstar

RICK-STAR said...

welx i try i try

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